Compensation Fund

Exness trading brokers are associated with the Financial Services Commission, a worldwide organization committed to resolving conflicts in the domain of financial services within the foreign exchange market.
Updated: 21.02.2024
The Finance Committee acts as an unbiased third-party entity committed to impartially evaluating and addressing complaints. The Commission aims to provide more efficient and expedited resolutions compared to navigating regulatory processes and legal proceedings.

The Financial Services Commission ensures swift, effective, reliable, and impartial resolution of conflicts between traders and brokers. It ensures all parties involved receive thorough and transparent responses to their inquiries. Additionally, the Commission enhances trader protection by managing the compensation fund.
It is important to highlight that the Treasury Board functions as an independent External Dispute Resolution (EDR) entity.

How does the process of operation work?

The Compensation Fund acts as a protective measure for its member clients, serving as a form of insurance. These funds are securely held in a separate bank account and are accessible only in instances where a member does not comply with the resolutions provided by the Finance Committee.

What contributes to the financial resources of the compensation fund?

The Compensation Fund acts as a protective measure for its member clients, serving as a form of insurance. These funds are securely held in a separate bank account and are accessible only in instances where a member does not comply with the resolutions provided by the Finance Committee.

Which individuals fall under the protection of the compensation fund?

The purpose of the fund is solely to cover the settlements decreed by the Finance Committee. It is not designed to compensate traders for their individual trading losses. Additionally, should a broker face insolvency, the fund is not structured to provide compensation to all clients of the bankrupt broker.

What is the maximum limit for compensation coverage?

The compensation fund is only applicable to decisions made by the Financial Services Commission, with a maximum limit of €20,000 per client.

For a more detailed understanding, please consult the official website of the Treasury Board and review the Customer Agreement.
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Peringatan Risiko Umum: CFD adalah produk leverage. Perdagangan CFD memiliki tingkat risiko yang tinggi sehingga mungkin tidak cocok untuk semua investor. Nilai investasi dapat meningkat dan menurun dan investor dapat kehilangan semua modal yang diinvestasikan. Dalam keadaan apa pun, Perusahaan tidak akan bertanggung jawab kepada orang atau entitas mana pun atas kerugian atau kerusakan apa pun secara keseluruhan atau sebagian yang disebabkan oleh, akibat dari, atau sehubungan dengan transaksi apa pun yang terkait dengan CFD.
Pengungkapan risiko
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